On-Demand CFO Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs

Grab your Freebies!

"Getting an On-Demand CFO seems like too far a step but the money part of my biz is stressing me out," then I have two mindset shifts for you: 

If You're tHinking...

1. By the time you decide "I NEED a CFO" you'll probably have already created more money chaos than you ever hoped (trust me, this is nearly every client who comes to me at $10K+ months). 

2. Getting clear on the money plan for your business as EARLY as possible is the BEST strategy that no one talks about (because most biz coaches + owners didn't until they needed some "SOS").

So -  I'm SOOO glad you've landed here, in my world.
And here are some freebies for you, my creative friend. 

So you've invested in the marketing, the business coaching and spent time getting crystal clear on your ideal client.

But one thing's still missing:
Consistent Income, Consistent Salary, Consistent Cash Months 

Whether you're just starting out in your business or you're already the making $10K, $30K, even $50K months, if you don't already have a plan that creates consistent salary for YOU inside your business, the Inconsistent Revenue Months to Consistent Salary Guide is for you. 

Fall back in love with your business, stop stressing over cash from month to month and free up you heart space, emotional space and mental space to serving your clients.  


  • Get the basic steps of how to start paying yourself a consistent salary even if you are taking a 6 month vacation or don't sign another client / book another project for a few months, 
  • Create a clear money plan for how to plan your salary for the future 
  • Create consistency so you can fall back in love with your business and serve your clients full-heartedly.

The CONSISTENT SALARY GUIDE is designed to help you:

Take me to the guide!

Inconsistent Revenue Months to